First, this will be the last blog for at least two or three weeks.
I'm afraid I missed last week owing to ill health and the days ahead are
busier than usual...for an excellent reason. When I return it will be
from a new address.
Yes, I'm moving...again! Seems to be all I do
in recent years, but after several stressful weeks/months/years even,
I'm able to say we're making a significant move, a life-changing
relocation. Providing all goes well, I can even look forward to finally
having a study. There's much to arrange and so I'll be taking a
hoped-for 'only short' break, though I'm still trying to finish the Work
in Progress, and edits for another release in the 'Snow Angel' planned
In the meantime, I'm happy to announce I've been notified
that I have a novel accepted for the Lethbridge-Stewart series. No
specifics as yet regarding title or release, though it will be later
this year. And meanwhile I've a short story out in a few weeks--the
'sleepless nights' the write-up for Night to Dawn Issue 31 refers to. More news when I have it...and when I'm able to post.